Friday, January 31, 2014

Foster Grandparent Day was Thursday, January 30th

Ida Elementary students showed their love and appreciation to Grandma Irene.  She is the schools foster grandparent and is loved by staff and students!  Thank you Grandma for all you do!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Anti-Bullying Task Force

Anti-Bullying Task Force


The next meeting of the Ida Public School’s Anti-Bullying Task Force will be held February 3, 2014 in the High School Media Center at 6:00 pm.

Meeting Agenda:

1.     Review and approve October 21, 2013 meeting minutes.


2.     Hear kindness activities update.


3.     Discuss update regarding prescription drug and heroin use.


4.     Discuss changes to the LINKS program.


5.     Begin discussion regarding themes for next year.


6.     Here update regarding Monroe County anti-bullying efforts and activities.


7.     Hear building updates:

a.      Elementary School (Character Strikes)

b.     Middle School (MTSS /  Anti-Bullying Efforts)

c.      High School (MTSS “Be the One” )


8.     Discuss possible in-service training for staff members.


9.     Discuss website update and social media issues.


10.  Determine next meeting date and time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Inclement Weather

As of January 17, 2014 Ida Public Schools will not have to make up any instructional time due to inclement weather.

LINKS PJ Day raised $356.53

LINKS PJ day was Thursday, January 16th.  Students donated a $1.00 to wear their PJ's. A total of $356.53 was collected for the LINKS program. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happy New Year from Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Thorne's Book Buddies!

Book buddies from Mrs. Peterson's 2nd grade class and Mrs. Thorne's Kindergarten classes made Happy New Year visors! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

5th grade performs winter musical

The 5th graders in the current general music class made the most of this cold winter weather by performing a winter musical for their parents and other classmates.  They are under the direction of Mr. Dan Nichols.

Education Plus Credit Union Donates $10,000 toward the Ida Track Project

Rich Montcalm, Education Plus Board of Director, and Denise Fox, Education Plus CEO, present a check to the Ida Board of Education at the board meeting on January 13, 2014.

Pictured from left to right:  Chris Horney, Brian Deland, Tim Janssen, Mark Mathis, Rich Montcalm, Denise Fox, Jody Hoffman, Patty Galloro and Dale Heil.

Highlights from the Board of Education Meeting

January 13, 2014 

January is school board recognition month. Please let our members of the Board of Education know they are appreciated. They spend a considerable amount of time reading and reviewing recommendations while researching pertinent topics so that they can make informed decisions at the board table. Additionally, they provide an important link to the community while attending athletic events, band concerts and other co-curricular activities.

Education Plus credit union presented a check in the amount of $10,000 to the Board of Education in support of the track construction project. The district is planning to move forward with the project. Currently, we are soliciting bids for the project and the track committee will be convening at the end of the month to review bids and make final recommendations to the Board.

Peggy Behrendt officially retired from her teaching position effective January 31, 2014. She has served the students of Ida Public Schools since 1986.

Lorna Myers officially retired from the In-School Suspension supervisor position effective December 31, 2014. She has served the district since 1992.

The Board of Education authorized Mr. Bennett to begin planning the band trip to Florida in the spring of 2015 while authorizing Mr. Carsten to begin planning the eighth grade trip to Washington D.C. in the spring of 2015.

Ida Public Schools started the 2014 budget year with a fund balance of $4,274,133. However, our updated budget projections include revenue of $12,692,522 while projected expenses are at $13,378,526. Therefore the district is overspending by $686,004. The anticipated fund balance on June 30, 2014 is expected to decline to $3,588,129. The 2015 budget year will be more difficult to manage. Revenue is projected at $12,161,472 while expenses are projected at $13,203,820. That equates to $1,042,348 in overspending which would take our fund equity down to $2,545,781. Please contact your legislative representatives and encourage them to increase funding for education.

Once approved, the meeting minutes are posted on the district web-site at

Friday, January 3, 2014

School Board Recognition Month

As citizen leaders, individual school board members face complex and demanding challenges. They are alternately described as having the most important volunteer jobs in the country and facing the toughest challenge in elected American government. Yet school board members are just ordinary citizens with extraordinary dedication to our nation’s public schools. All Michigan citizens should recognize the vital contributions of these men and women and the crucial role they play in the education of our children.
Public education is the backbone of American society, and local school boards are deeply rooted in U.S. tradition. It’s the foundation on which our democracy was built. Today local school boards continue to do the most important work of their communities—that of educating our youth.

Their job is to establish a vision for the education program, design a structure to achieve that vision, ensure schools are accountable to the community and strongly advocate for continuous improvement in student learning. The job of a school board member is tough, the hours long and the thanks few and far between. Too often we’re quick to criticize school board members without really understanding the complex nature of their decisions. Now’s the time to thank them for their untiring efforts.
School board members come from a variety of backgrounds, yet they share a common goal—helping students achieve in school and life. As a state, Michigan has faced many challenges, but the key to a brighter future is a strong public education system.

We often forget about the personal sacrifices school board members make. Board members contribute hundreds and hundreds of hours each year leading their districts. The time spent in board meetings represents just a small fraction of the hours school board members spend leading their districts. Collectively, they spend almost 7,000 hours on professional development to keep abreast of the latest trends in educational leadership, are deeply involved in community activities and spend many hours at extracurricular events. They continually advocate for the children of our state, and in the past year school board members made countless passionate pleas to legislators, speaking out against budget cuts and pushing for smart reforms.
The month of January marks the annual observance of School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to show our appreciation and begin to better understand how local trustees work together to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders. In January, join with others from throughout our district and state to salute the men and women who provide grassroots governance of public schools.


Mark Mathis, President                                    Patty Galloro, Trustee

Dale Heil, Vice-President                                  Tim Janssen, Trustee

Jody Hoffman, Secretary                                  Chris Horney, Trustee

Brian DeLand, Treasurer