Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Board of Education Meeting Updates

March 11, 2013

The building administrators provided an update to the board and community on the District’s Strategic Plan. Building level teams have been working diligently to develop the actions plans that support the strategies outlined in our planning document. Many of the actions have been implemented. The staff will begin working on the evaluation process that will be used to measure growth for each goal area.

The February enrollment was only down one student from the fall enrollment which is very good news. One of the issues that have made budgeting challenging is declining enrollment. We are optimistic that student enrollment has begun to stabilize.

Mr. Dyer presented the Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2014 budgets. At this point it appears that the district will spend approximately $268,000 of the fund equity this year (2013). The initial projections for 2014 based on the Governor’s budget proposal indicate a deficit between $1,050,000 and $1,150,000.

The Board of Education approved a plan to reduce expenses by $324,000 for the 2014 budget year. The elimination of four teaching positions, two assistant positions and reducing costs in the areas of supplies/services is included in the plan.

Ms. Kimling, Assistant Technology Technician, was given a raise. She has worked for the district for 34 years and she does a great job. The entire Board of Education is very appreciative of her dedication to Ida Schools, commitment to her job, and sincere effort she makes every day to ensure the technology within the schools works efficiently.

The Board of Education will be holding a Board Workshop on Monday, April 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library. They are planning to review the governing team’s Standards of Practice, communication protocols, responsibilities and update the superintendent’s evaluation system for Ida Public Schools.

The information provided in the presentations is available by contacting the superintendent’s office.

Once approved, the meeting minutes are posted on the district web-site at

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