Thursday, August 15, 2013

Anti-Bullying Task Force August Meeting Minutes

Anti-Bullying Task Force

   August 12, 2013

Meeting Minutes

Members Present:

Sue Hanson, Richard Samulak, Patty Galloro, Amy Lavigne-Benore, Bert Wagner, Holly Dixon, and Tom Dykstra


1.     Reviewed and approved April 16, 2013 meeting minutes.


2.     Reviewed and distributed student posters to each of the buildings. Student winners’ t-shirts have been ordered from the athletic boosters group.


3.     Reviewed and discussed the keynote speaker for the staff’s opening day.


4.     Discussed possible training activities for students for the school year and made the following recommendations:


a.     Each building will provide a school wide educational opportunity pertaining to “Kindness” on the same day 4 times this year. The following dates are suggested:

                                                      i.      October 18

                                                    ii.      December 6

                                                  iii.      January 31

                                                  iv.      March 14

b.     Each building will include “Kindness Themes” in homecoming and Christmas in Ida activities.


5.     Discussed promotional ideas of this year's theme. The following suggestions were agreed upon:

a.     Small gifts, such as pencils and bracelets

b.     Coupons for drawings for age-appropriate gifts

c.     Awards assemblies

d.     Social events including ice cream


6.     Discuss the possibility of each building encouraging teachers to develop classroom policies, practices and lessons which support the concept of kindness. The committee recommends providing additional funding support for teachers making this effort.


7.     Each of the building administrators and leadership teams are encouraged to determine ways to identify students to be rewarded for acts of kindness. Funding will be provided to provide social events for those identified students.

These efforts should work on identifying different students each time and should include student as well as teacher selections.


8.     Directed Tom Dykstra to draft a letter seeking ice cream donations as appropriate.


9.     Discussed the need for additional strategies to assist students in reporting mean and aggressive behavior.


10.   Discussed additional training for students pertaining to problem solving and speaking up and asked committee members to look for instructional materials pertaining to the subjects.


11.   Requested a suggestion box be placed in the office of each of the three buildings.


12.   The next meeting of the task force committee will be held on September 16 at 6:00 PM in the High School Media Center.


Respectfully submitted, Tom Dykstra

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